Chokecherry Gall Eagle & 4 Tips to unveil sacred knowledge

Chokecherry Gall Eagle invites you to realize that deepening your spirit and exploring your dreams is for you alone. The Native approach is one of empowerment through non-intervention. You must permit someone to struggle through their obstacles because they are meant to test and strengthen him. You do the person no favors by taking his tests.
1) Native ways and some non-native ways lead to the same place. The key is to embrace a system which encourages progressive development. Its all about searching for ways to nurture hope and self-growth. Everything comes back to pure consciousness.
2) Be aware of how you create illusions. The content of a given experience can distract you from understanding the nature of that experience. You need to see through the superficial. The message is more important than the messenger, and awareness is necessary to recognize and connect with a messenger before you discern his message.
3) Changing your feelings will change your reality. Relative definition is often used to define yourself in relation to others. How you feel about your relationships, work, and other conditions, shapes your identity. Your sense of physical body and assumed limitations also limit your experiences. As you decide on a more flexible view of what you are, your consciousness and perception of time and space change. You take control by changing your feelings rather than allow them to be changed due to circumstance.
4) Choose to transcend your perception. Human perception is grounded in time and space. From the moment you cease to define your physical self as solid, your experience expands. If your body disappears in one place and reappears elsewhere, you realize solidity arises from the power of thought and belief. To be grounded in the physical world, your brain functions according to its conditioned logic. To be open to experience not limited by time opens the shutters of the mind to explore mystical realms. To do so, your energy vibration actually speeds up to higher levels.
Reader Comments (11)
I very much like this article. I'm trying to contact Chokecherry Gall Eagle.
All good wishes,
C.T. Shooting Star (author)