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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Relieve yourself

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by Elsie of Melbourne, Australia.

Dream - I walked through a narrow corridor narrow between spacious bedrooms. It was like a wardrobe with white walls of cupboards. I saw a person standing in each room amidst sheets that hung down from the ceiling like curtains. They saw me but not each other. As I walked into an adjoining bathroom, water flowed upwards from the blue tile floor. I didn't feel wet or uncomfortable but rather, refreshed. The drain was in the corner of a slanted dip in the floor. I was confused about the origin of water. I sat on a toilet in the wardrobe between the rooms. I was visible to people in each room. I asked them to move. They saw me, and chose to stay put. I was fine with that.

Predominant Emotions - apprehensive, inquisitive, uncertain, self-acceptance

Interpretation - You recognize you conceal things from yourself. Yet, you are encouraged to be truer to your essential nature. You move toward significant life transitions which require you to reveal some buried truth. Learn to act without trying to be moral or just. Stop placing limits on yourself. Morality represents standards of right and wrong that have been imposed and you try to follow. Relieve yourself from unnecessary constraints. Let go of misconceptions. Trace them back to conditioning.

Overflowing water reveals you desire to fully express emotions that are not yet unveiled. Listen to creative and uplifting perspectives. Your life will no longer seem draining. In fact, a change of heart will definitely boost your energy and your spirits. Remind yourself there's no such thing as "a wasted effort."

Recognize a slanted floor confirms that you have likely deviated from your original plans. Its time to get back on track. Consider this a wake-up call to believe in where you are. 

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