Move from fear to feeling secure and creative

Have you ever realized it requires more effort to feel afraid than to feel energy as it flows? You do not wish to reach out and say those things that prevent you from regaining balance. To contradict your own vibration is to go against who you are. You are on an emotional journey. Let nothing distract you from your guidance.
Illness has more to do with what a health professional thinks than your true state of mind. Do you wish to learn self-empowerment or disempowerment? You can tune into pure, positive energy and listen to your own guidance to get you what you want. You are moving from fear to feeling more secure and stable. No person can make you different than you were born to be. You facilitate creativity inside. Let the creative juices flow.
If others do not do something to change your vibration, then you are in a vibration of thriving and feeling good. When you desire to learn something, you need to ask. Then, the answer is always provided. Whatever state of mind you choose will come to you. You can have a physical ailment and feel fear or experience the same illness and feel hope.
You have the journey of dealing with the physical body and the emotional journey which helps you to understand how thoughts and feelings manifest your physical state. To feel better about someone else's ignorance is part of your job. Accept people where they are, whatever their awareness or judgment. Find a way to feel alright with them.
When you feel hopeful, you shift healing energy. Imagine what it feels like. Allow well-being to flow. Discover new ways of sensing and feeling. Rather than question why something is not being given, ask yourself why what you ask for is not received by your whole self. You can live in an environment where you instinctively follow your heart. Make peace with yourself. Be willing to trust yourself over what other people believe you should feel. You want a contrasting experience so to discern or clarify your desires.
Reader Comments (6)
Creativity is the forefront of my life. I have so many creative juices that I am constantly flowing.
I love this statement,
"Illness has more to do with what a health professional thinks than your true state of mind."
It is very true that some doctors make us feel sick. There is an irony in that.
Keep the creative juices flowing.
Sometimes people want to fail because it removes the problems of success.