When to value an inkling

Inklings are like vague inspirations that seem to appear, "out of nowhere." Yet, no such place exists. Reasons underlie revelations and 'eureka' moments . When was the last time you had an inkling? When did you last value your initial impulse or wonder on the origin?
As you evolve not to question your instincts, you begin to realize how truly powerful they are. On a given day, you may have a sudden urge to take a different route to work, then later realize you avoided a serious accident that took place on your normal route. What made you make such a split second decision? Did you hear a heavenly whisper in your ear?
Consider a situation where a friend of mine spent an entire day on a technical matter with a computer. He was beside himself with frustration. I entered the scene and spontaneously suggested he check for missing data in another file. Lo and behold, he solved his dilemma in a few minutes. I do not view myself as a tech expert, yet I was able to help him. I sensed what to do. I shared my idea and left him to make his choice.
What if no intimation was without cause? What if lack of knowledge or understanding simply relates back to selective ignorance? What if what you do not see is the key to the catalyst of any inkling? As you heighten sensitivities, you attune to feelings and redefine meaning in every idea that pops into your head. Energy vibration has much to do with it.
Reader Comments (4)
I am a firm believer in intuition. We have to adhere those little inklings to guide us through the nuances of existence. They are our guideposts to a better way of understanding life's curvature. We get to the point when we don't even question them any more.
I have been aware for much of my life, in a protection and in a guidance. I receive and react to the vibrations, but I feel them more in an abstract sense than in an invisible celestial being.