Why swim against the current?

Analysis on dream submitted by Anonymous in Melbourne, Australia
Dream- My mom stood beside a sink that was part of a fragmented kitchen. It was connected to a counter that stood on a linoleum floor and floated on a body of water. This platform was like a barge. I was swimming toward her and watching from nearby. I struggled to get there. She kept moving away. I do not believe she saw me.
Predominant Emotions- detachment, resentment, despair, indecisiveness, self- rejection.
Interpretation- Exploring emotions brings you face-to-face with issues you have yet to face at a conscious level. A kitchen is a warm and nourishing place. This implies reconnecting with your spiritual centre. Why do you sense it is out of reach?
The counter draws attention to how you pretend or behave 'counter' to your true nature. You are swimming against the current, but whose curent? Approval and disapproval are highlighted themes you are reluctant to acknowledge. Your fear of external disproval is postponing your unconditional self-acceptance.
You have no reason to feel unworthy. No person devalues your talents but yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "no person can make you feel inferior without yoru consent." As you evolve to respect yoruself, other people will respect you in their way.
Reader Comments (4)
This knits is very well with what you have written, but in a more specific way...I will also be relating the dream to my own experiences I am sure.
I would be very interested to learn the reactions of the dreamer.
Sometimes we can find ourselves giving up our own current or path just to try and "be with" someone. I have no idea the age of the dreamer but as childred this can be very draining to always be swimming "after" someone just to have their attention or acknowledgement. Often if we're having to constantly swim after someone,they are not yet able to acknowledge. If they were acknowledging us we would not have to swim after them. This is hard for a child to comprehend because their parents are their whole life.
But as an adult we can choose to let the one who is swimming away go their way (with love) and find our own current. When we do this we will inevitably discover a whole new world of "others" who swim in OUR current, who enjoy swiming "with" us.
From the dream: "She kept moving away. I do not believe she saw me."
I found this line very touching and honest. It says so much. This brought compassion into my heart and I had the urge to say: "Embrace the beauty and gift of Life that you already are."