What do you do about conflict?

You may dream of a peaceful situation where you always see eye-to-eye with people or, at least feel understood. Yet, it can be hard to keep your spirits up when people you know desire to debate or disagree. What do you do about conflict?
Realize conflict begins and ends in your mind. Accept that you can agree to disagree. No single idea will appeal to everyone all of the time. Each person is at a differnt stage of growth based on life experience. It is not your job to impose your views, prove that you are right or, to educate based on your values. Similarly, you can be tolerant of others without adopting all they say.
You can freely offer your perspective. You learn who to share views with and from whom to withold them. This is not about keeping secrets. It is about learning to sense where you relate to others and where you do not. It does not generate positive energy to condemn people or to think negative thoughts. Each person has the freedom to think and feel and resolve what he or she chooses. Some people do not desire to resolve issues.
Reader Comments (18)
Conflict is the inability to "fit" in a ideal, opinion, etc. When we realize that everyone is different and not everyone will agree, we can learn to overcome the need to be "right" and just be. While we have a right to be heard, we don't have to be right. Is it important to be right or to be happy? When I see conflict in others, I bless them silently.
You have a great deal of wisdom. I always enjoy reading your perspective on life and I agree with you on conflict. I have been meaning to catch up with your lovely blog.
I apply the serenity prayer to so many areas of life, including conflict. Simply put, I try to change those things that I can control and those that I can't, I have to accept. There is a great deal of wisdom in such a simple prayer.
Peace to you, my friend--
Great post Liara, thank you!
I am experiencing quite a bit of conflict both internally and externally.At the moment I feel like a dichotomy of thought and action. I feel anger but don't always express it, which I think is a good thing, but other times I express my anger or negativity about certain people aloud.I know that each person around me is a reflection of myself in some way and I do try to understand where other people are coming from however, it is so hard when you see injustice or greed in others to sit back and not react negatively.I try to understand why they are the way they are and how I can learn and grow from these situations. Often I feel taken advantage of and people say it is because I am too nice but actually it is because I am very uncomfortable with conflict.Despite that I still end up in situations where I am aggravated enough to react and it is disappointing when I don't respond to these situations from a point of view of trying to understand.I know that if I want world peace, I must learn to master conflict on a smaller scale. I must "be the change I wish to see in the world". It is a struggle and I feel the effects of this internal turmoil upon my physical health.I'm quite sure if i could find inner peace, I would feel better equipped to deal with disharmony outside of myself.
take care,
I read the "how to stop overthinking" post and it pretty much sums me up. I think my chronic overthinking may be a result of insecurities and past experiences.I think I have recently made a bit of a breakthrough however, I don't seem to worry as much about what other's think of me but there is still a long way to go!