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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Where to go from here?

When it comes to goals, you may wonder where to go from here.  You may be bombarded with choices and feel unsure of your next steps. 

Take a moment to imagine what your world would be like if you lived consistently from your heart, expressed love and appreciation to people more than you already do.  You may be less aware of your true hopes and fears than you are about other aspects of your life.  If you are aware of your feelings, you may find it challenging to express them as you would like.  As you assess where you are,  and move ahead, these steps can guide you:

1) Listen to vibes within yourself.  You may forget to listen, but your own energy waves communicate as vibrations.  As you become more attuned to your energy fluxes, you will make choices that create a more harmonious life.  You will take steps that enable you to feel more comfortable and confident and achieve a new equilibrium.

2) Review the meaning behind your intentions.  Decide what you would desire to get out of a particular experience.  Your intention will determine how satisfying and fulfulling your choices will be.  You instinctively select your experiences and your thoughts and feelings shape how your intentions unfold. Imagine the joy of realizing your intentions.

3) Focus & visualize.  This is a way of directing your thoughts on one thing at a time.  All you need to do is learn discipline to focus on whatever you're doing during a particular moment.  How you visualize the activity differs from fantasizing, which gives your mind free rein to meander without control.  Your mind needs training to concentrate fully. 


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