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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Heal your unconscious self-sabotage

We each have many sides to our personalities that are active in different situations.  In reality, we are complex beings full of inconsistencies and contradictions.  We have parts we acknowledge and reveal to others, and more private aspects we keep to ourselves.  The hidden parts escalate and do us damage if we don't choose to review and transform.

Amidst your varied sides of your persona, you may be unaware of the deeply ingrained negative views that you generate, harbor and perpetuate, to hold you back from dreams.  As you learn to raise awareness of these negative views and why you have them, you slowly deconstruct your self-critical side to heal your unconscious self-sabotage.

1) Reflect on your past.  We all have memories of discomfort, situations where we were labelled negatively, such as weak, unlovable, inadequate, unforgivable, unworthy, or not good enough.  People may have told us these things, but we would not have heard them if they didn't echo from deep within our souls. 

2)  Realize you decide what's next.  To what degree we absorbed and grew to believe lies about ourselves led to misunderstandings about our abilities and potential.  In reality, we have no reason to feel ashamed or to believe we are bad, angry or less than we are.  This is a phase in a process where we can decide we will react differently now.

3) Recognize what you resist persists.  If you deny or ignore your anxieties, you are unwilling to come to terms with root causes of your pain.  Anger, resentment, guilt, shame and similar reactions need self-expression, yet you may repress them in efforts to deny the truth.   You will find you attract angry behavior from others to remind you about what requires attention inside yourself.

4) Discern anger and unforviveness are survival mechanisms.  As you grow stronger, you can find courage to understand your past on a conscious level.  Choosing to change opens your heart to a very different life.  Since at least 60% of your communication is non-verbal, bad feelings you thought you concealed were actually visible in your energy vibration, body movement, gestures and facial expressions.  Your life evolved based on these messages.  To grasp negativity was a survival mechanism enables you to learn from your past, to forgive yourself and move beyond it.

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