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4 Advantages to connecting with your spirit guides

Many people like the idea that Higher Forces in some form are present to guide and protect them.  Yet, the same sorts of people may wonder if they would get anything worthwhile out of learning to connect and more actively work with their spirit guides. 

Before you decide to research this subject further, seek psychic advice or, investigate devoting time to a course, you may ask what incentives you have to decide to exert any effort in this direction.  As you contemplate, consider these four ideas:

1) Discern what you really want.  This process isn't as cryptic as you might think.  To connect with your spirit guides, you must learn to quiet your mind.  This is often achieved through meditation.  Experiencing serenity or "mindfulness" enables you to listen more closely to your inner voice, to develop new faith in yourself.  You grow to more readily distinguish between what feels good or not and what seems important or not.  You will grow to instinctively attract only experiences that reinforce good feelings.

2) Better appreciate all that you are.   Rather than criticize or judge what you think is wrong with you, you will evolve to focus energy on loving and valuing all of you.  You will recognize talents or gifts you overlooked.  This mindset empowers you to more actively uncover the innate qualities within yourself and to develop into who you wish to be.

3) Get to the truth of your fears.  Working with spirit guides is like an exercise of working through your emotional defenses.  This is about learning to be more honest and open about feelings. It isn't like reviewing painful situations in your mind and constructing barriers at the level of ego and unconscious.  Its about discovering how it feels to be humble, to uncover and discard your ego motives and, to move on. 

4) Realize you have power to change.  Spirit guides reinforce your self-confidence.  They offer a compassionate ear like a supportive friend that guides you to recognize answers within.  You will begin to detect skills you had forgotten you had.  You will sense a profound inner evolution.  You will instinctively ask your guides questions, such as "what could I do to nurture faith in myself? or, to move beyond obstacles that stand in my way? You will intuit what to do differently to create a more fulfilling existence.

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