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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Understand rubberband?

Rest assured, we can all overcome our own self-created roadblocks and learning handicaps.  We all have areas where our conditioning has impaired our perspective and learning potential.  Of course, you may benefit from additional guidance to progress along a particular, chosen path.  Yet, for the moment, it will be helpful to learn to identify and escape from your own limitations.  Consider these tips:

1) Go through a process of unlearning.  To understand how intuition works and what you're really thinking is very different from accepting how you have evolved to think.  What if your new learning goal was not to learn as you always have, but to become more selective about your sources of information? Imagine that you learned to pinpoint sources and then forget your conditioning.  A supplementary goal is learning why you have decided certain things are believable, certain people are credible, certain perceptions are legitimate. Why do you choose to believe yourself?

2) Discover the power of inner energies.  To be pragmatic and assertive may mean you don't relax enough or have become unreceptive to your inner voice.  To assume you don't have an inner voice may miss crucial opportunities.  You may benefit from reaquainting yourself with your dreams and finding inspiration to use or pursue dreams more constructively. Ask for help if you need it.

3) Remove blockages.  This implies you desire to learn something new and you can accomplish this because you choose to do so.  Consider that you choose to buy into fear, self-doubt and frustration and you can also decide you will not permit these thoughts to control you anymore.  You can discover the power of reverse-conditioning.  Teach yourself that what you thought was true is no longer important or was never the case.

4) Reconnect with the child inside. As a child, you're born with an open mind, the desire to explore, belief in things like magic and fantasy and optimism about possibilities.  As an adult, many people slowly become fearful, begin to focus on limits, and allow cynicism to cloud views.  Why allow pragmatic thinking you create to eat away at your childhood confidence and intuitive voice?  If you've forgotten how to tap into your inner self, you can always seek guidance, re-learn and create a new kind of future.

5) Decide you will no longer attack yourself.  Your learning potential, when well-understood, is limitless.  Society and people around you will tell you why you can't do things.  You project reasons to try to convince yourself that your future must be ambiguous.  Realize the impact on your thinking when you decide what you will believe.  To what kinds of beliefs to you offer your undivided attention? Your investment may deny your reality and the breadth of your potential.

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