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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Transitory glory

How might you overlook hidden gems within difficult and trying situations? You define these situations much like you unconsciously select your adversaries. They appear in your path as a test which you choose as part of a longer quest to experience success. The decisions you make will shape your future in the form of consequences and affect the past in the form of redemption.

As you accept your passions, you're supposed to become more enthusiastic about your conquests. Your courage is supposed to develop to clear the fog and help you to see directions of your path. When you're ready to accept what used to appear unacceptable, this is an example of how you evolve to redefine success. Remaining flexible encourages you to accept not knowing things and still feel a sense of accomplishment where you are.  A sense of success now is transitory anyway.

Have you ever met anyone whose goal in life appears to be to disrupt the lives of others and prolong their misery? Forgive the apparent troublemaker. Is your mind not the real troublemaker in how it exaggerates the nature of your obstacles? Conside the impact of your imagination...

Rather than visualize obstacles to success, see perceived troublemakers as a godsend. After all, they symbolize what you could become if you don't find your way out of the confines of your judgment, conditioning and hard feelings. The people who get lost in their own world of problems, and attempt to draw you in, can't separate their ego or raise their awareness of another way. It is who they are.

As you learn to surrender to nature, you shift your impulse to judge and fight for retribution. You choose instead to sense the energy around you and how you can tap into that for other purposes. Whenever you rethink your view of success at a given moment, you are calling into question your previous judgment and conditioning.

Whenever you choose not to judge yourself or someone else, a view of success emerges based on how you free the mind and soul from conditioning. Your ego is seen as separate from success. You free yourself from identification with whatever you were taught and come up with unique ideas from inside you. Uncovering yourself at the core may be the ultimate success. Even that is constantly changing which implies some success will only ever seem like it is transitory glory.

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