Wake up call

'Why do you live the life you lead?' asked the angel during a dream.
'Well, to learn, to help others, to feel I do meaningful things,' you reply.
'When will it be possible for you to slow down and truly experience life?'
'If I did, I wouldn't have enough time left to do what is urgently required.'
'Nonesense! To live in a vicious circle is to give into fear of idleness and hide courage.'
'How would I know how to survive where I was? Who would tell me when things must happen?'
'Be grateful for situations where you're expected to resolve your own issues. If you're coddled and helped through every problem, then you won't realize your confidence or potential.'
'I have so many unfinished things from yesterday and things awaiting me tomorrow...'
'If you aren't careful, death may be staring you in the face before you explore meaning in life.'
'Reflecting on such issues gets me no closer to meeting deadlines.'
'Watch out. You may discover you sail through life and do not really live.'
'I live so much to the fullest, I have a real chance of realizing my worldly goals.'
'Pity. You focus on absurdities and put things off, overlooking priceless moments.
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