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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Unanswered mysteries

You may know people are don't appear to be happy.  Perhaps they're different and desire to be taken seriously when they're not.  Are you the kind of person who would hide your perceived talent or ideas and suffer inside because of secrecy? Do you think you may be laughed at or put down?  Do you have reason to believe offering your service would be controversial or ostracized?

Each person has unique talents with the potential to help the world.  You need not receive some official pardon or forgiveness for what you are.  You have things to offer, so why hold back?  Rather than be discouraged by scam-artists or dishonest people, concentrate on how authentic you feel at the core.  Every person is full of unanswered mysteries.  You may not yet realize you're capable of things that will surprise even you.  Learning about you is your life journey. 

You will likely find life more fulfilling if you resist following rhythms or examples set by others.  As you learn to respect your own rhythm and traits, you will travel your own way, learn what feels comfortable when you're ready, and complete the journey you set out on alone.  Its part of a larger plan.  What you learn along the way is exactly what you are supposed to learn for the next step.

You may find out how other people live or promote their careers, but what you learn about them reflects back on yourself.  How you interpret your reality, and what you offer will all come about during your journey to discover yourself.  You'll sense your confidence as it grows and be happy to share those aspects of yourself that reveal who you truly are.  Raising self-awareness can be an enriching life education.

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