Unclutter your life

On the surface, it may seem like collecting objects is a harmless pastime. In some cases, that may be true. After all, what's the risk in buying another pair of shoes? What's another book, magazine subscription, box of antiques or rubbermaid container of old papers? If you're someone who drowns in stuff, or who worries about someone else, the idea of collecting may not serve everyone concerned. Who is it supposed to serve? Did you ever consider messages in this?
As you pin down your beliefs, you will evolve to recognize that what you say and do in your life reflect how you feel inside. Consider the benefits of being able to tap into what drives your desire to collect or store oodles of things for a rainy day. How you spend money or even pick up cheapies at auctions or fleamarkets is telling you something about yourself. The question is, are you ready and willing to listen to the signs? Are you up to change and unclutter to live the life you deserve?
1) How do you feel about yourself? If you feel a sense of entitlement or that you deserve more than what other people have, what might this say about insecurity, self-worth or emptiness? Who in your past may have influenced such conditioning? If you can't define "enough", you're missing things in life that crave attention. You may be influenced by more than the success syndrome or "keeping up with the Jones'."
2) Do you have control issues? Perhaps you've come to believe that if you don't do things your way, your environment won't be acceptable? Let's say you fear being judged or misunderstood and you fear people will mis-label you. Imagine what it would be like to release your control issues. You would not longer feel you had to compensate for what you didn't have. Let go of fear of loss and create a new life.
3) Where is your focus? Your subconscious mind stores ideas, but doesn't qualify what is good, useful, bad, incorrect, acceptable or unacceptable. Your beliefs evolve from what you hear other people tell you repeatedly and what you choose to retain. Identify root causes of beliefs, what you're really saying if never have enough of clutter; do you lack approval, purpose, affection, success or other intangibles?
4) Do you fear change? How do you feel about doubting your ability to adapt to your circumstances? You may detect low confidence or seek to hide your clutter because it represents your embarassment about your lack of courage to change. If a pattern you detect isn't working, if its causing you to feel uncomfortable, this is a sign it would benefit from a new approach.
5) Motivated for or against? Some people act to avoid certain results and other people work to create more desirable results. You may stack newsprint because you don't make time to read it or you plan to move in 5-10 years. Yet, it may actually reveal a sense of desperation or struggle, something you feel powerless to change. You are as empowered as you truly choose to feel.
6) Should you reframe your life? What is it that enables you to feel committed and doing meaningful things? If you feel you must work long hours in order that people not assume your lazy or taking short-cuts to success, then you may be unconsciously neglecting other parts of your life. As you decide to let certain mindsets and behaviours go, you prepare yourself for new kinds of abundance. The clutter you haven't made time for is what represents the life you'll leave behind.
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