Swat that annoying habit

As you get-to-know yourself, you begin to recognize patterns. How can you learn to distinguish between the constructive and destructive ones for you? You may seem to fall into new jobs because you presume you'll get them, even if your qualifications don't fit the bill. People may naturally blame you when things go wrong or, question your reliability even when your track record doesn't give them reason to think that way. Do you feel like you only do the wrong thing? Examine your mindset and swat those habits that don't help you. You have power to choose!
1) Why do you talk so much? Its possible you're a big talker yet, you may still sense that you're unable to do everything you say. Acting as though you're 'bigger than your britches' implies you will find yourself in an embarrassing situation. As you defend ideas, be ready to live accordingly.
2) What is it about forcing the issue? Each time you talk inventory of where you are and how you feel, identify whether you're satisfied and whether you have faith in evolving situations. Whenever things don't feel right, it's the time to stop and re-evaluate. People react to you in ways that reflect how comfortable you feel about yourself. Take a cue and better equip yourself.
3) Do you assume you know it all? People you know may point helpful things out that you failed to notice yet, you get tense. To be responsible means you're always ready to watch and learn. To be irresponsible would imply you disregard external input and refuse to remain open to learning lessons. Assuming you know everything closes you off from growth and new motivation.
4) Who are your peers? If you choose company in people who criticize, belittle or otherwise harm you, then you may not know the value of true friends. You may be on a self-defeating road. True friends support you in all conditions and do not focus on your faults and weaknesses. They seek to encourage you, to help you develop your skills and talents, rather than break your confidence. If you don't yet know anyone like that, these people are "out there." It's up to you to find them.
5) How is it you dwell on guilt or sadness? It can be tempting to get wrapped up in conflict and human tragedy around you. Don't. Recognize people will always be happier or worse off than you somewhere. This doesn't beg indifference, but on some level, it does give you reason to believe you deserve what you experience. As you learn to stop asking why me?, why not ask, why not me? Overcome negative feelings about things you can't control. Shape your life instead.
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