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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Subconscious life change

Goal-setting is most effective if you isolate precisely what you hope to achieve and why. Subconscious life change begins with you. Since your source of motivation will drive you, it would be helpful to identify what this is. To create goals which will move you forward, you would benefit from pinpointing benchmarks. These are milestones which you can recognize to give you a sense of forward movement.

1) What makes your goal particular to you? If you connect your goal to your primary motivation and detail the process to a fine tooth comb, its more likely you'll realize the goal.  If you don't really understand what you aim for, its less likely you'll achieve it or make it happen. The better you know yourself, the more specific you can be about it.

2) How will you measure progess? In the case you aim to complete a marathon, you can set up a daily, weekly, monthly training schedule in advance to build stamina and endurance. Each time you complete another mile during your regular schedule, you will sense you're energy level is growing.  Similarly, if you seek to lose weight, you can measure quantifiable progress during regular weigh-ins, and plan a managable exercise program. Set it up to suit you. It's that simple.

3) What makes you think you can reach it? This means you need to know yourself well enough to realize you can outline a plan and make it happen. If you don't like chess, aiming to win the world chess championship wouldn't be logical. If you fear water, setting the goal of swimming the English Channel before your next birthday maybe a bit 'over-the-top.'  If you think you have what it takes to run for office, complete a puzzel, or enter a dog show with your pet you're willing to train, these projects could be realized by sticking your guns and being disciplined.

4)By when do you intend to realize it? Its easy to lose sight of the desired prize if you have no idea by when you would achieve it. If you prepare for an upcoming event, like a festival, reunion, holiday, then someone else already set your deadline. However, if you desire to put a new addition on your house, write a book, clean out your attic, plan financially for retirement, write a letter, or generally sort out your desk, these are the kinds of things where you must set a timeline. How rigid or flexible you are will influence how punctual your projects are completed.

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