Turn away from recklessness

If you desire to change some part of yourself, nothing has to stop you. You fuel your dreams. The road to awakening begins with you from inside. If you didn't have tha ability or potential, then you wouldn't recognize that desire.
Turn away from recklessness. Become concerned about the consequences of each of your actions. Stop being careless. Cease to be indifferent. Refuse to deny or ignore what you haven't yet done.
Learn to recognize that each person you meet, each choice you make about how to spend your time, each food you decide to eat, each choice you postpone or tackle, all define who you are and whether or not you wish to improve some aspect of your life. It's really your prerogative.
Think of the many ways you can make you day count. Choose to be productive. Decide you'll set new goals, recruit new partners, engage new clients, serve people who's life you'll open to new options. As you make conscious decisions to raise your awareness about yourself and how you can improve what you do for yourself and for others, you will be making the world a better place. You will be building on your personal contribution. You will be making an even bigger difference than before.
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