Appreciate where you are & why

Talking about your big dreams and all those things you work toward may cause you to overlook the success you experience already. To this point, all of your accomplishments help define who you are. This includes feelings, measurable and immeasurable experiences with outcomes.
Think about your current situation. Consider what you have had to learn and endure to reach this point in life. Consider people who have helped you, from friends, relatives, teachers or strangers you have met along the way. Maybe you think planets were aligned in order for you to recognize certain opportunities? Imagine you were offering feedback. What kinds of advice would you like to hear? You're proof that you've evolved from where you were to where you are. Where to next?
Recognize how many people are contributing toward you future success. People you have likely never met made the paper on which you write, the computer on which you type, the car in which you drive, and clothing which you wear to make a lasting impression. How have people contributed to your endeavours and goals? What you learned in the past helped you shape vies of success. Elements and cooperation beyond your control enable you to do what you do now. Learn to value the invisible contributions. This helps you rise above a sense of doing things alone.
Remind yourself that life doesn't have to be a source of frustration just because you haven't yet accomplished what you require to realize longer-term ideas of success. Whenever you become focused on those things that seem to elude you, those things that motivate you, you often invite suffering and anticipation. You also distract yourself from all the great things you've already done to get where you are. How easily we forget?
Of course, the next new thing is always just around the corner. You can permit yourself to focus on what you desire, a situation which simply continues so nothing really satisfies you. Learn to open your mind to possibilities outside your original notions of success. As you permit your hopes to become more flexible, you will also have more energy to focus on making the most of what kinds of success you have already known and still experience now.
Reader Comments (2)
I like your attitude. That you believe things usually work out, no matter what, is a very healthy mindset. As we evolve to choose paths that are appropriate to our abilities, then we discover life doesn't have to feel like a continual struggle. Your view seems to recognize value in your potential. I'm glad you're willing to adapt to change. Life holds good things in store for people who adapt and adjust their sails.