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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 steps to awaken your third eye

It is felt that the third eye is active and makes wider sensing possible as humans dream. As the physical eyes are closed, the physical mind works in conjunction with this heightened sensitivity. Many people wonder how they could learn to open this third eye while conscious. What if learning is not the issue but rather, getting out of the way?

Consider the third eye," is where, as the Bible notes, "thine eyes become single," where there is no longer a difference between male and female, and where "the peace that passeth all understanding" dwells.  Another view is that deepening awareness enables a seer to access Godhood. Allow yourself to truly be open and receptive to this other eye.

To deepen awareness, you must truly believe the third eye exists and know the pineal gland used to be the third eye.  It is actually a cosmic receiver and sender of multi-dimensional information.  This gland gets calcified (blocked from functioning/ seeing) as you ingest fluoride and certain foods. You can research this.  A good rule of thumb is to stear clear of processed foods and high fructose corn syrup. You may choose to alter your standard food and beverage diet and toothpaste brand, and drink purified (non-fluorinated) water to decalcify the pineal.  Watch how seeing takes new shape.

You may think its desirable to force the third eye open quickly, like with a drill.  This is not advisable.  An unexpected bump on the head, meditation and yoga are practices that help quiet the mind. The gradual or spontaneous rising of kundalini energy has a huge impact.  When you are ready, the third eye reveals itself.  Ask yourself why you want it open now.  What is the urgency? Did someone tell you to do it? How do you suppose this can serve you?

It is relevant George Boyd explores the attentional principle (purusa). As you evolve to separate yourself from its vehicles; the astral (used in dreaming), causal (your logic) and mental (assumptions), you discern how the third eye functions alone.

At its core, the nature of your attention is like a wave of self-understanding. When you focus at this level, you move from contemplating your 'attentional principle' to being it. Different kinds of meditation focus  attention on the expansive view of the third eye.  Engaging the third eye reveals that you are raising your core vibration.

Practice of Purusa Dhyan Meditation (Based on work by George Boyd)

Sit upright in a chair, or in a comfortable cross-legged position on a sofa or, on a cushion on the floor. Loosen your shoulders. Do head half head circles. Close your eyes. Focus attention at the point between your eyebrows. Shift attention to the areas blow for 3-5 minutes each. Discern experience at each level, then move on:

1) Sense what it means to sit 'here & now.'
2) Become aware of sensations arising from the external environment 'in the now.'
3) Detect sensations arising in the body 'now.'
4) Feel emotions arising 'now.'
5) Recognize thoughts arising 'now.'
6) Reflect on 'I AM' statements, with related thoughts, feelings, & memories.
7) Notice memories and impressions bubble up from the Subconscious.
8) Identify the present sense of time is being recorded in memory.
9) Refocus attention be move through each chakra of the Subconscious mind.

After you have completed the 9 steps above, you are ready to focus attention behind the point between the eyebrows towards the top of your head. You will encounter a presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this presence. You will begin to see and feel light emanating from this presence.

Affirm quietly, "the self, the size of a thumb, is seated behind the two eyes. It is self-effulgent light. It is consciousness itself. I am this consciousness." This outlines the attention principle. In a nutshell, its your third eye that expands your vision within when your two eyes are closed.  How detailed your visions become begins inside.

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Reader Comments (53)

Focus on that figure. It is your spiritual body. The more you know it and mold with it, the more your third eye will be awakened.
June 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAshley
Hi, Im not sure if i should be sending this or not but i have had a right troubled past im 30 and got out of prison 2 years ago after serving 3 years. i have always been believed in the spirit world and i have always had messages come into my head warning me about any immediate danger but i never thought much about it or wanted to explore it..... Im at a point in my life now where i have changed very much and wherever i look i see messages pointing me towards spiritual awakening and learning the truths regarding the evil in the worlds goverments..... I dont have a clue where to start and would really like some help and advice.. thanks olly
August 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterolly
I want to open my third eye but I am afraid of what may happen. Are there some things I can do to better prepare for this?
July 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSpringer
Ashley, thanks for shring this insight. love how you draw attention the obvious that is often overlooked. The spiritual body is like a silent shadow and perpetual companion.
July 28, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Olly, love is the answer to every question. When you focus your attention on fear, then you convince yourself something is wrong with you or the world and you believe effort is required to be who you are. In truth, your life experience offers lessons and invites you to love and accept yourself, come what may. Invite you to use the key word search in this blog. As you re-gain confidence, you realize nobody knows you better than you.
July 28, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Springer, fear blocks you from seeing clearly. Recall you imagine fear into being. As you let go of fear and beliefs you outgrow, you discover the third eye is open. The physical mind tells you to seek outside of yourself for answers. methods and techniques. Turn inward. Simply allow what is to reveal itself. Be loving.
July 28, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
hello everyone
i need to know where i can begn my meditation not so much as where as to how ...
what can i expect? what do i need to do exactly? i have always been easily stressed and i am a deeply religious person. i read my bible as much as i can but i have problems focusing. Little things jolt my concentration. Here is the real kicker: i have two rambuchous kids always running about with animals in the house its never a quite place. Can someone please give me some advice or direction?
September 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDtwist
Dtwist, invite you to re-read the original article as well as accompanying comments. There are lots of things you can do besides meditation. Nonehteless, creating a quiet space, perhaps after the kids go to sleep, would also be helpful. Quieting the mind comes easily as you stop thinking about why it has to be hard. A quiet mind is peaceful.
September 5, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hey, so I have some curiosities and though I swear it sounds like lies or made up, promise that it is only the truth and was wondering if you could shine some light on it for me. Well, first it started long ago when I was a kid, my mom and dad were in a crazy relationship and a lot happened and she sort of went crazy back then and sold my brother's and my soul to the devil so that she would be with my father. And well, my dad tells me that I would stare at a teddy bear on our wall and it would move, no could it be that I was moving it, or demons moving it to draw my attention? (I simply do not remember much of this.) And up to the most recent years, well, my mother is very religious and she struggled a lot and fought and saw many evils, and I too experienced some things with the supernatural. And for some time I was able to not sure if it was guess or read people's minds, but I always said the correct answer...I had asked the father at church about this and he just talked like I was crazy and said it was nothing...and I've also had many experiences in which random wisdom comes from my mouth, yet I have never experienced anything about what I talk about, so I'm curious also how that can be? Any help or opinions will be appreciated. :)
November 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJose V.
I know no one has really been on here for a while... but I just had a question. So as of late, there has been a daemon following me. Extremely long, extremely complicated explanation as to why... but the point is, he has tried multiple times to kill me. It sounds kind of insane. But about the time he started appearing, I started losing my memory. I remember virtually nothing about a lot of stuff. And everyone asks me if I am alright because I end to stop talking in the middle of a sentence because I forget what I was saying. Well last night...more like this morning since I am an insomniac... I was in the middle of a dream. (I tend to have many psychic dreams because I can open my third eye easily and be receptive to the other side.) But in the middle of the dream last night, I had absolutely no control, it seemed to open to a point where energy was flowing in too fast. (I can normally control this. Because I draw energy from my surroundings quite a lot.) Then I woke up later, and no matter what I try, all of a sudden, I can not open my third eye even the slightest. Is the because of he daemon or something else? Is it just my mind going wacky or something? Any clue could help. Is there a way I could fix it or something? A friend suggested meditation, but I also have a problem with that. I tend to slip into astral projecting without trying. And according to my twin, the daemon could easily sever the cord connecting me to my body. So I would have no way to return. So I am extremely cautious about trying to meditate...can anyone help with this?
March 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterNeko
it's probably you just veiwing space with your third eye, many people talk about viewing space and even planets.
March 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDeng
I am interested in trying your program. I went on an all natural diet a couple of years ago and found it was much easier for God to speak to me and guide me every day. I don't think I can buy this program because I am having a problem just paying bills, and keeping food in the house. I would like to say thank you though for showing me that I am not the only person to see the connection with the polluting of our bodies and spirit, and the connection we feel with God. When I was on the all natural diet, I also was completely putting God first at all times in my life from awakening to bedtime daily. I began seeing things clearer in a lot of ways but one thing that confused me was how it became apparent that this world was made of an energy/vibrations. I could see what seemed to be every atom on fire with life. Sometimes it would be people, sometimes trees while passing by. It was as if something switched on occasionally in my eyes, and it was sometimes very confusing and/or distracting. Is this normal or was it likely some symptom from a vitamin deficiency in my very strict diet? I am anxious to completely change my life again so as I can complete my purpose here. Any help or insight would be appreciated. Thank you.
April 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBeth
Great article Liara!

For further information on this topic and for those looking to detoxify, decalcify and activate their pineal glands, please visit the following link:

It’s a community website dedicated to spreading this knowledge and helping, those who wish to, open their third eyes.

Love and blessings,
Spiritual Scientist
May 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSpiritual Scientist

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