10 steps to awaken your third eye

It is felt that the third eye is active and makes wider sensing possible as humans dream. As the physical eyes are closed, the physical mind works in conjunction with this heightened sensitivity. Many people wonder how they could learn to open this third eye while conscious. What if learning is not the issue but rather, getting out of the way?
Consider the third eye," is where, as the Bible notes, "thine eyes become single," where there is no longer a difference between male and female, and where "the peace that passeth all understanding" dwells. Another view is that deepening awareness enables a seer to access Godhood. Allow yourself to truly be open and receptive to this other eye.
To deepen awareness, you must truly believe the third eye exists and know the pineal gland used to be the third eye. It is actually a cosmic receiver and sender of multi-dimensional information. This gland gets calcified (blocked from functioning/ seeing) as you ingest fluoride and certain foods. You can research this. A good rule of thumb is to stear clear of processed foods and high fructose corn syrup. You may choose to alter your standard food and beverage diet and toothpaste brand, and drink purified (non-fluorinated) water to decalcify the pineal. Watch how seeing takes new shape.
You may think its desirable to force the third eye open quickly, like with a drill. This is not advisable. An unexpected bump on the head, meditation and yoga are practices that help quiet the mind. The gradual or spontaneous rising of kundalini energy has a huge impact. When you are ready, the third eye reveals itself. Ask yourself why you want it open now. What is the urgency? Did someone tell you to do it? How do you suppose this can serve you?
It is relevant George Boyd explores the attentional principle (purusa). As you evolve to separate yourself from its vehicles; the astral (used in dreaming), causal (your logic) and mental (assumptions), you discern how the third eye functions alone.
At its core, the nature of your attention is like a wave of self-understanding. When you focus at this level, you move from contemplating your 'attentional principle' to being it. Different kinds of meditation focus attention on the expansive view of the third eye. Engaging the third eye reveals that you are raising your core vibration.
Practice of Purusa Dhyan Meditation (Based on work by George Boyd)
Sit upright in a chair, or in a comfortable cross-legged position on a sofa or, on a cushion on the floor. Loosen your shoulders. Do head half head circles. Close your eyes. Focus attention at the point between your eyebrows. Shift attention to the areas blow for 3-5 minutes each. Discern experience at each level, then move on:
1) Sense what it means to sit 'here & now.'
2) Become aware of sensations arising from the external environment 'in the now.'
3) Detect sensations arising in the body 'now.'
4) Feel emotions arising 'now.'
5) Recognize thoughts arising 'now.'
6) Reflect on 'I AM' statements, with related thoughts, feelings, & memories.
7) Notice memories and impressions bubble up from the Subconscious.
8) Identify the present sense of time is being recorded in memory.
9) Refocus attention be move through each chakra of the Subconscious mind.
After you have completed the 9 steps above, you are ready to focus attention behind the point between the eyebrows towards the top of your head. You will encounter a presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this presence. You will begin to see and feel light emanating from this presence.
Affirm quietly, "the self, the size of a thumb, is seated behind the two eyes. It is self-effulgent light. It is consciousness itself. I am this consciousness." This outlines the attention principle. In a nutshell, its your third eye that expands your vision within when your two eyes are closed. How detailed your visions become begins inside.
Reader Comments (53)
1. Breath deeply and don't stop (7 sec. inhale/ 7 sec. exhale if possible)
2. Feel in peace, in harmony and as best as you can be (just like an actor would do to feel anger, sadness or joy - we can polarize our emotions with our mind). Feel unconditional love with EVERYTHING that is.
3. Focus on your pineal gland (yo uwill feel it eventually if you don't know where it is).
At one point you will feel the pineal gland, then don't stop to perform the 3 steps all together: Breathing, Emotion and Focus. The activation of the pineal gland and the activation of your lightbody requires an extreme amount of concentration. It will start getting easier to focus on the pineal gland later on and at one point... if your emotions really are in harmony it will instantly "explode" or "open" like a flower, a lotus... You'll feel all the neurons firing up and the creation of an energy vortex (absorbing prana) and a magnetic field (that you'll all feel very physically...) will also be created. It's a biological, physical and spiritual phenomenon - it's real and it's going to be the biggest orgasm of your life - bigger than a sexual orgasm and much more pure.
It took me 2 years and a half to understand that highly simple process, until I realized I was missing the most important - > to feel great! (in perfect harmony).
Information is FREE
In the full moon days i have lot of vibrations in my astral body or aura. i can't sleep well different level of vibrations disturbing me. i don't know what is happening in my aura. some time i feel good. Some days after happening this type of vibration the next day i hear the news burn some buildings lot of people injured otherwise some nature accidents (Rain, Earth quark some thing like that) what the unusual thing is these incidence are happening the same time of the vibrations. please answer me why?. In my meditation time Leaf shaped two blue boarded white light came to my forehead and one is going to right side of my head (in between right eyebrow and right ear same is happening in left side) after i see lot of lights in different colors. Another time some energy vibration came to my Crown chakra and go to the Root chakra that time some smooth vibration happening in my all body, Is my third eye is open? Some time i talk to anyone my body hairs vibrating and straiten (I noticed these people are not straight forward or good habituated) I see lot of globs passing ( gold, white, bluish white, shining Indigo colors) in front of my normal eyes, Happening in the normal times. I type these letter to you more than six golden globs passing in front of me. I have lot of vibrations, itching in my fore head, if i read a book some forced energy go through my forehead and rounding on the book ( like circle). I don't know what's happening to me. please answer me.
Vandanam (Thanks)
I tell myself it's illogical to judge other people based on what happened to me earlier in life. Not only do I want to overcome all of this, I want to really become more in touch with the universal consciousness. I also want to be able to access my full potential, especially creatively. I want to let go of my ego, which I know really doesn't belong to me.
This is really important to me as I feel that being out of touch with spiritualism has left me feeling tense and anxious. Not only that but I sometimes feel possessive not only of myself but all of the entities I love around me. I'm scared of losing them and never seeing them again. Or being trapped with entities that want to hurt me (aka Hell). Can you give me some tips to opening my third eye and getting in a better mindset?
also, mostly at night, i will see matter in the air that starts to form shapes, highly highly intricate shapes, such as compasses with millions of lights extending from it, sort of like the compass in the picture of the perfect man by michelangelo. also bugs. im not frightened but i find it odd. am i insane, or is something trying to tell me something?
has anyone ever had this happen to them?
it happens on a daily basis, and i can always see the colorful dots of matter in the air
i am only 14.