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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Review key relationships & discern your ESP

As you reflect on relationships that mean a lot to you and even some from your past, you may be surprised at the vibes and energies you read about people from very early on.  What if you have reason to have more faith in your own ESP?

Consider how you met people. Were you in a place that made you feel good? What was your mindset before encountering them?  Did you follow a gut feeling which led to the conditions where you initially met?  Ask yourself if you were drawn to a certain place at a certain time.  And, if you hadn't gone, would you have even met?

You will instinctively sense what drives another person even before spending much time with them.  You perceive habits, behaviors, gestures and facial expressions without really thinking about it.  You read into invisible levels of compatibility or incompatibility based on what people say or don't say throughout relationships.

Now, you begin to gain new insight into deja-vu. You develop relationships with some people where you sense what they will say even before they utter a word.  These situations may seem uncanny or coincidental.  Yet, there is far more to it than personality.   You're also more aware of this than you may consciously realize.

Ask yourself about occasions where you have been separated from people by distance, but you still sense what's on their mind or, you feel you can guess what they're doing.  You may even grow to sense where people are even when they don't tell you. Is that intuition? Adults use this with their kids or partners. Emotional charges tell us more than we initially think about dream relationships and where we are now.  Your beliefs create your relationships.  Let self-confidence be your guide. 

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Reader Comments (2)

A recent article mentioned that thin people who spend a lot of time with overweight people will become fat (notice it's not the other way around). Parents often complain about the "element" their children are hanging around with and we can predict with a fair amount of accuracy what a child will develop into.

Another article, quite awhile ago, mentioned that you become similar to those who you associate with. If you want to be wealthy and find yourself spending most of your time with people who live paycheck to paycheck your chances of becoming wealthy are slim to none.

I think this is powerful ESP in action. It's something we need to be aware of. Once we acknowledge its existence we can control it a bit more.
October 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterofficeguru
Hi officeguru,
To recognize your relationships and other aspects of your life aren't the way you would like them is a turning point. In order to nurture your will to change, you must first desire change. Your perception can't change unless you want this.

Yet, you also have to grasp how energy flows. You need to learn to understand how your thoughts influence this energy throughout the Universe. Its a matter of alignment. Your thoughts and underlying emotions draw your entourage. If incompatible people and undesirable circumstances surround you, then you can change that. As you realize you create this though energy exchange at at soul-level, you can begin to learn to shift these energies.
October 18, 2007 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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