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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Homeless inspirations tip the scale

As you look around for role models and people who inspire you, its likely you make choices based on some personal vision for your own success.  Its remarkable how a number of people perceived as successful in their own right have also had personal experience with homelessness.  What did poverty and material lack teach them? It enabled them to build inner strength, self-reliance and faith to build opportunities.

Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that to be successful like these people and realize your dreams, you must become homeless, or drop out of school.  Yet, it can be beneficial to force yourself outside your comfort zone. Step back from complacency wherever you are.  Reflect on what really matters so you can channel energies more productively in ways that fulfill you.  Learning how to step away from outside influences and sources of conditioning will enable you to think differently.

Examples of people who experienced homelessness:

Neale Donald Walsch- spiritual author (including; Conversations with God series)

John Paul DeJoria - Co-Founder & CEO of John Paul Mitchell Systems

Chris Gardener (see film: Pursuit of Happiness)- Stock Broker & Entrepreneur

Mother Teresa- Catholic Saint

Joe Vitale -teacher in Ronda Byrne's popular book, The Secret

Consider this video in youtube which draws attention to "Millionnaire dropouts:"

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Reader Comments (2)

Good Tuesday afternoon to you, Liara !
Yes, I think role models and people who inspire us make us who we become in a sense, in the best way. They allow us to dream, see a way to take action and achieve -
Loving Annie
October 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLoving Annie
Loving Annie,
I like to remind people intentions to attract more meaningful conditions and relationships all begin with how we feel inside about ourselves. Some people only learn to get-in-touch with their feelings when they are no longer confined by their usual conditions. They only realize later these emerge from a limited mindset.

If we doom ourselves based on where we are, in comparison to what others have that we don't, then its hard to see beyond a plight or victim mentality. Instead, as we list people who inspire us and figure out the traits and feelings that focused their direction, then we can make meaningful self-discoveries about our life path.
October 17, 2007 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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