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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Align at soul level with your higher power

The more you tune into your soul-level plane, the more you will attract what you wish to attract. When you don't feel right, something deep inside you is off balance. Yet, you may not be attuned enough to yourself to recognize what causes imbalance or how to fix it. This isn't a question of figuring out the right pills to dull the pain or to ignore underlying issues. Its never too late for a new course of self-discovery.

To align at soul level with your Higher self enables you to learn to access your Akashic records. This is like an energy library available to all of us. Every thought and behavior we have ever had emitted an energy frequency that was stored in these sacred archives. They exist at levels more easily detectible by heightened sensitivities. Yet, no matter who you are, you can learn to access this information about your past lives, past experiences in this life, the present, and even your potential future. It all helps to explain your current health and well-being. You might ask how to tap into it for answers to raise your vibration.

Though learning deep meditation and the help of guides, you can learn to access Akashic records and figure out why you are who you are, why you have the habits you have, and what cleansing and changes will be necessary for you to realize a more fulfilling life. Akashic is your soul's ‘book of knowledge,’ a database of details that contains vital facts about your soul's mission, purpose and journey in this lifetime. Becoming preoccupied with the physical world may have led you to forget the gist.

Our past enables each of us to better grasp the life path we're on right now. Without the past, we would have no sense of who we are now. You may need a crash course on the "why." Since emotion can cloud your views and judgment, you may need external assistance to understand your health and how it aligns with your choices.

The direction you are heading toward in future will become clearer the moment you realize who you were. This will empower you to adjust and refocus. Remind yourself no future is set in stone. No state of health is unchangeable. You simply need to discern who you once were. This will make it easier to re-create your true self now.

Each human is vital force energy. We incarnate on Earth for a reason. We exert power to create change. We were born to act as creators. Life here in the physical world can be very challenging. We make things happen by using intentions, focusing our vital force energy and passing our requests to the spiritual plane by choice.

We all have predispositions. What does it feel like to be you? How does health feel to you? Which senses are magnified? Each of us is different. We can choose to work with light to develop and heal. Some people choose to create negativity, echo it and use this illusion as a source of energy. You choose to work with light or dark energy. You make unconscious choices at the soul level. Each choice we make has different consequences for health and wellness. Its up to you to decide what comes next.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Liara

I have read a couple of Edgar Cayce books & remember him referring to the "Akashic records". Extremely mind blowing if you really think about it, I liken it to thinking about the universe & how many stars, how many planets around the stars, where does it all begin & end ? Is there life on other planets ? How many other planets is there life on, probably millions !

Everything we do is noted in our own personal book of life, and it continues to be written as we speak & do what we do, right or wrong "no exceptions"

I hope to be able to reach such deep meditation some time in the future so I can see past reincarnations amongst other things.

Please find below a link to a website which explains the Akashic records in more detail.

Thanks for the blog Liara & thanks for talking about such a fascinating subject.


October 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSaintly
Hi Saintly, glad you're enjoying the tools this blog has to offer. Each reader contribution strengthens the site and encourages people to pursue their journeys with heightened awareness. The more we choose to discern and learn from each life experience, the more we will. Thanks also for sharing that very useful link.
October 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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