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Whale of a situation

Analysis of the week on dream submitted by L.M. of Nova Scotia, Canada:

Dream: I was swimming in an indoor pool with 2 friends having a great time but also feeling a little guilty. I felt I should be somewhere else, doing something else. Anyway, near the time the pool was to close, I was stung all over my legs by some huge jellyfish, which I had seen floating around. I recall getting out of the pool and looking down at my legs. They were covered in large purple and black burns that were bleeding. I went to the first aid station at the pool, but they said they were closed and couldn’t help. After all, it was after 5pm and I wasn’t their problem anymore. I knew I had to get the stings taken care of, but was unsure how. Then, I walked into an exclusive restaurant looking for a doctor I sensed I knew well. I don’t know if I found him. On my way out, I bump into 2 friends (possibly from the pool). They were arguing and sat in an outside lounge/bar. My presence broke the tension. The 3 of us watched 3 whales play in the ocean below. A Celine Dion Christmas song plays. It’s a friend’s favorite and fills in the background.

Predominant feelings: guilt, fear, self-doubt, detachment, alienation, inadequacy

Interpretation: Take a feeling inventory. Something is clearly irritating or “eating at you” in real life. You sense trouble is 'all over you.' What seems so slimy that it hurts? Remind yourself you aren’t a victim of the world you see. Release yourself from the people or circumstances that “sting.” Someone may be cheating you or taking advantage of you in other ways. Dive right into your deep pool of emotions.

Recognize your choices have consequences that extend beyond your ego and view of things. It can help to recall the phrase, ‘sink or swim.’ In life, this means you must act to learn lessons so as to save yourself unnecessary anguish. Consider also your hierarchy of thoughts. Why is playfulness beneath you? Are you preoccupied with a whale-sized project or a relationship that is getting away from you? You may intuit you have bitten off more than you can chew. It may be time to declare a different sort of independence. Forget about those "bloody" disappointments and move on.

Redefine your own limits and sense of desired freedom before you really get burned. Note jellyfish are like painful memories that float up to the surface of your own unconscious. You may hide hostility or discomfort about one of your relationships. Ask yourself which experiences draw attention to low self-esteem. You may wrongfully sense you're unable to assert yourself in a situation where you feel victimized. Reflect on significance of numbers: 2-tends to reflect duality and beckons you to choose. 3- implies promising new ventures on horizon; encourages you to sharpen intuition. 5-deals with travel, instability and unpredictability.

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