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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Expand your world beyond recognition

We all have a key guardian angel throughout our lives. This angel remains with us from birth. You may sense this angel's presence at a particular time or when you're in particular kinds of situations. You will sense this angel only when he or she chooses, not when you decide its time. Certain things aren't for you to decide.

In addition to this predominant or senior guide, other guides will enter your daytime life and night time dreams and then sort of suddenly, disappear. They may change as you learn, grow and your experience expands. You may sense their presence before you recognize your main angel guide.  When you sense a connection with your main guide, you'll realize that your life is going to change more than ever before.

This said, you may not be the kind of person who chooses to talk about angels or spirits much.  You may recall such characters in childhood storybooks. Yet, you may now consider them fantasy. You may have evolved to ignore them or disregard them as possibilities. Some people assume they will be criticized or laughed at for talking about such subjects later in adult life. 

At the same time, you may be surprised to discover sensitive people who openly acknowledge their beliefs in what others claim not to see.  Depending on how you decide your life will evolve, you may expand your world beyond what you thought you knew, to where experiences are beyond recognition.  This is a choice.

Guardian angels stay with you forever and offer subtle nuances of changes evolving in your life. You have the choice to follow their clues.  You may initially think you have no idea what this will involve, but you may also grow to intuit you hold the key to your own transformation. The brick wall in front of you has become an open door.  Step though and learn new ways of sensing the world and yourself.

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