Take resposibility for self-healing
You may have heard repressed emotions often show themselves in the form of physical pain. If you're holding back from something you truly desire to do, and denying it or, if you keep feelings bottled up inside, the resulting discomfort can manifest as pain or illness. Why might this be? What can you do about it?
As you look inside, you gain insight into how pain can be a message about deeper life issues. Consider every cell, organ, every part of you, has a memory. Don't bother examining yourself under microscope. Your body and soul have insight into the truth of situations even if you refuse to accept or admit openly to things. Your conscious and unconscious minds may still disagree. You may ask how could this be possible?
Take when you literally experience a kink in your neck. This may actually be a silent reminder you believe some person in your life is being a pain and you're letting this get under your skin. It could also reflect your own attitude or stubborness that offer clues to root source of discomfort. But okay, where's proof? In your head, silly!
When you experience pain it doesn't mean this suffering is always yours. It may reveal how connected or "in-sync" you are to others. You may be a gifted sensitive or empath. You can learn to intuit what sensations mean and step back to understand. Tingles, even pins and needles, offer valuable sensory details. Recognizing and differentiating among sensations is how you communicate at the soul level.
As you learn to be truly honest and read yourself, you'll discern the cause of your own unease and begin to sense how you can relieve it. To be accountable for your feelings is a way you can take responsibility for healing from the inside-out.
Reader Comments (8)
How many of your peers devote energy to vividly describe their level of discomfort? When we channel energy into negative thoughts, we also permit pain to interfere with the positive vibes in our senses. We lose focus on what we can do to help ourselves. Even people with recurrent migranes, arthritis, back and neck issues can learn to recognize the onset of pain and work through it. When you don't permit pain or negativity to control you, then you really move ahead.
Your point about accountability is a valid one. This useful life lesson is rarely taught in school. Through life experience, some people learn to think before they buy into beliefs about anything. Yet, others think so much before they act or accept an idea, that they undermine the good they can do and underestimate their own potential.
I agree with your view. Many people sense disconnect between physical illness and their emotions. This is an illusion. Mind, body and soul are linked. Its empowering to discover physical symptoms actually reflect different kinds of feeling or energy imbalance. Self-healing begins with admitting real sources of emotional discomfort.
To make an analogy, when we have single or repeated nightmares, the mind is drawing the dreamer's attention to a conscious situation that is being avoided or ignored. The intensity of a nightmare reveals avoiding things isn't in a person's best interest. The best way to eliminate nighmares is to face the source of our fear.
I agree with you fully, because I have been through it. In March, when a particular issue bothered me, I was so stressed about it that I developed rashes all over my body. It was a classic case of "stress taking its toll". When the issue was sorted out, the rashes sort of disappeared! Whoosh...just like that!
I love what you said in one of your earlier reply: Its empowering to discover physical symptoms actually reflect different kinds of feeling or energy imbalance.
I think trying to sort out your energy imbalances and live in harmony with the Universal Spirit is indeed a significant part of this wonderful journey called life.