Life stories

When you share chapters of your life with others, you begin to realize that one of your deepest needs is to be heard and valued. Yet, in order to earn the willing ear of others, to obtain their support and compassion, you also need to be fundamentally honest with yourself about your feelings. From the point where you take someone on a journey into a place within yourself of vulnerability and authenticity, you create a sense of connection that helps you grow and heal. Your efforts to share stories help raise awareness in others about what you have endured and learned so they can grow through you and by facing the many obstacles life throws their way.
Consider Nelson Mandela, a South African leader who spent 27 years in prison during Apartheid. He suffered humiliation and physical hardship, but his story of resilience and human rights inspires people the world over. He became a meaningful symbol for resistence, freedom and survival.
When news broadcaster Katie Couric lost her 42-year-old husband to colon cancer, she discussed the illness openly and initiated a public awareness campaign. Her efforts resulted in more people talking about their fears and a 20% increase in colonoscopies, a test used to detect colon cancer.
When fomer actor Christopher Reeves was paralyzed after a riding accident, he became an outspoken advocate for physically-challenged individuals and for stem cell research. This led to issues gaining higher profile in Congress and more people questioning their ethics and motives.
Child poet and peacemaker Matti Stepanek suffered from a hereditary illness called dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy. His three older siblings died from this rare form of muscular dystrophy before him. His mother also suffers from this disease. By age six, Matti had already written hundreds of poems to promote gratitude, hope and positive thinking. During his brief life, he became a best-selling author many times over. He spoke to millions of people to encourage making the most of life, no matter what your cicumstances.
I think of glimpses into the lives of people who aren't famous. Their way of living can inspire me where their behaviour says more about who they are than what they have. One such person is a Chinese businessman and former missionary. His kind-hearted motives lead him to sacrifice himself and do what it takes to instill hope in people. I think of relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers who persevere, who take responsibility and share stories that prove they can defy odds. These people manage to make positive contributions no matter what obstacles they face. They enrich their own lives as they encourage and enrich others. This inspires me.
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