Check your back pocket

When you feel as though you're in a bit of trouble, what is your reaction? Some people instinctively run away to escape the source of anxiety. Other people struggle to face the trouble with tools they seem to have at their disposal. Still other people freeze in their tracks.
Consider the dream of a girl who felt she was being chased by a crocodile. She froze briefly on a boulder beside a body of calm water. When she realized she stood beside a wooden ladder, her reflex was to turn and climb. She ascended the ladder all the way to a platform and was shocked to look back and see a huge crocodile following her. It inflated to the size of the croc who swallowed the watch and Captain Hook's hand in Peter Pan. Just when the girl wondered if she could grow wings and fly, a voice whispered in her ear to check her pocket. As a vegetarian, she was surprised to find a juicy steak which she instinctively threw the croc. He happily went on his way.
We all have hidden instincts that we may fear because we don't take time to get-to-know them. Yet, tapping into these instincts and abilities within ourselves is key to creating our own success. Problems we perceive or create for ourselves will not simply disappear if we try to ignore them. You may know someone who blow problems 'out-of-proportion' or makes situations seem worse than they actually are. Remind yourself that problems, like illness, may escalate to get your attention. They are often a symptom of an underlying issue such as your attitude, habits, lifestyle or emotions. If a nagging situation is bogging you down, tell yourself that you are very capable of dealing with it. You likely underestimate your options. You have what you need, that is, the will and resourcefulness to reach out and do what you need to do to get over the hurdles.
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