5 Ways to examine your current level of awareness

People hear so much about awareness, they begin to ask how to clarify their own current level. You may sense certain things and so readily forget others. This may confuse you. You may ask how many levels of awareness there are and what you can do to identify where you stand. Consider these 5 ways to explore teh nature and level of your awareness;
1) Disregard numbers. This includes age, weight, height, psychological time and other numbers. Physical measurements you imagine and impose. They cloud pure awareness. Consciousness is beyond conditioning. Impatience is itself a pointer to what is here.
2) Focus on what you cherish. Anything that strengthens your feelings of love or appreciation has a positive effect on opening to the awareness that is always present. Express love at every opportunity. Listen to your heart. In essence, love expands awareness.
3) Rethink time and space. Human beings are conditioned to fragment and limit their perception in an effort to pin things down. Awareness is imperceptible in a traditional sense, yet you can evolve faculties to move beyond three-dimensional thinking.
4) Choose to be alive. Consider what this means to you. Decide to notice opportunities and find the courage to experience possibilities. Permit tears to flow, and allow other feelings to unfold. Decide you to consciously expand your points of reference. be open to discover what it feels like to know happiness, sadness and other emotions through the body. Sense they are all interconnected and point to who you are.
5) Recognize perception is relative. You will only ever grasp things you are prepared to sense and believe. Your level of self-doubt and negative energy determine what kind of reality you manifest and experience. Work through scepticism, bitterness, and cynicism.