Embrace what is here already

Through direct experience in different areas of your life, you open up to how the body speaks to and through you. With certainty, you know your body is not a fixed entity.
Regardless of how you view the body, love is here already and constantly expanding through your choices to sense it or not. Every moment, the clouds of confusion are parting. Your body's alignment and energy levels shift. What kind of communication do you notice?
Notice how you attract seemingly different external practices and behaviours in others. What this reflects back draws attention to a common thread. They all invite you to recognize The Ten Pillars of Buddhism or guiding principles we can apply to daily life. Gaining deeper insight into thoughts and feelings empowers you to transform from the inside out. Allow compassion and inner wisdom to be your rudders in the ocean of life.
“Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams. ”
-Gurumayi Chidvilasananda