Use your power to alter your life

What if someone brought your attention to the idea you only remember aspects of yourself that you consciously manifest? That is, you are selective. You focus and limit the attention of your brain based on what you think you know. What if you miss the crux?
You might say, “Whoa there! Life isn’t really as I see it?” At the same time, somewhere, not so far away, in the back of your head, echoes a persistent, “Nope...”
The fact of the matter is, in all likelihood, you choose not to listen to this voice as much as you could. Ego quashes it, to deny the truth, for reasons you don’t yet recognize.
Take your senses. From a young age, you train yourself to organize information based on what you’re taught is traditional sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. You make comparisons. You’re taught certain experiences are ‘taken in’ and described using certain senses. That approach supposedly makes your views more easily understood. Yet, you limit yourself based on conditioned beliefs about the right thing to do and when.
As your body cringes in apparent confusion, you may ask yourself why you assume other ‘right’ or ‘useful’ ways don’t exist. Do you take a trusted person's word for it? Why do you choose to give another human being's word or experience your trust?
What if future experiences need not be interpreted by your senses as you have done before? Your power lies in your current experience. Beneath your reflex reactions, your being reacts to events in ways that break your normal patterns. Are you ready to listen?
What if someone tells you that you can ingest information through different mechanisms? This means you can see aromas, hear colour, taste light, feel sound, even if these aren’t your current ways of perceiving. You can even interpret time and events differently. What if your current physical experience is merely a choice among possible realities?
Consider that whenever you detect obstacles, you have assumed you will have barriers in your path. You have assumed something is missing you desire. The result of which perception of yourself you create and which circumstances you choose combine to highlight your source of power. You force your mind to view your life as sequential moments. Action is thought in motion. Use your power to alter your life experience now.
"Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later, you take on limitations and become the mind." - Ramana Maharshi