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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in psychic abilities (2)


5 Tips to Develop Psychic Abilities

Many people are keen to develop their idea of "psychic abilities."  The mind tends to create an idea of this term as a kind of psychic powers, assuming they are extraordinary, or accessible only from an unknown realm or level of being. Many fear the prospect or assume they are acquired by force of will or perpetual practice. Typically such powers include; telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance (seeing auras), second sight (perceiving ghosts), remote viewing, astral travel, even magical influence over people and events. Some people want to prove to themselves and others that such things are possible and they can do them, not once only (spontaneously or by accident) but regularly (at will or on demand). What if there is more to this? Consider tips to develop psychic abilities;

1. Realize that 'psychic powers' as the natural unfolding of living within and evolving our subtle bodies

2. Develop subtle bodies (etheric, astral, menal causal, buddhic nirvanic) and see what arises by extension

3. Accept certain things cannot be forced (as in will, and determination are not necessarily the answer)

4. Explore Lucid dreaming & Dream Yoga

5. Apply your gifts in service to humanity. This nourishes the subtle bodies and spiritual powers begin to unfold.


What are you waiting for?

Some people feel as though everything is unfoldng in slow motion.  Other people sense everything is accelerating.  Regardless of what other people are experiencing, you intuit what is meaningful for you.   What are you waiting for to have more faith in and trust in your own insights? How you think and feel sends out vibrations.  People are making this world a better place every moment though we do not understand the forces at work.