What ideas emerge from you?

Where do your thoughts orginate? Notice when they stem from peace and joy, and an understanding that goes beyond words. Notice when thoughts invite feelings of chaos, disharmony and fear. Notice how you react or respond to anger and other emotions expressed around you. You can be guided, but you make your choices. Determine when you are ready to go into a new space, to make a shift.
Suddenly, you contemplate. Which point of reference? Which direction? Which apparent guide? As you take deep breaths, you begin to remember what it feels like to let go. You choose to relax, to visit a serene space. This is a series of revelations. As you raise awareness, you realize people around you are attracted to the same thing. You connect, exchange energy, and silently self-disclose.
The more peace, love and joy you experience in every moment is the result of your choice. You have infinite opportunities to make choices that expand you. Every step you take is a stage of raising awareness. You may not realize you choose to transform your life.