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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in overwhelming (1)


What does overwhelming mean?

Human beings are stepping into different states of mind.  Not everyone is yet aligned with the heart.  Some people feel stuck.

Other people feel overwhelmed with what appears to be moving, changing, shifting or emerging in situations inconceivable before their current mental focus.  

Historically, the world moved from independent decision making for basic survival to where now a select few now act to control many and intimidate moving toward greater centralisation.  Examples are found in agendas of nations, corporations, health and other areas.   You may feel helpless.   

In the same moment, you awaken. You sense imbalance and suddenly begin to realize what is requires to experience alignment. The world you exist is not solid.  Nothing about what you think and feel is real.  The electrical signals and energy vibrational information create the world you experience.

A sense of feeling overwhelmed can be viewed as a portal to expand consciousness.  You can go through a process of noticing how you are more attuned to the planet, to worlds beyond the physical. You can view this as an opportunity to reclaim being to accept and let go of thoughts and feelings that do not serve you.  The Matrix movie is not really a movie.

Overwhelming makes a statement on your own evolutionary process, on your current state of mind, on what you hide within, on what you are willing to discard, ignore or embrace.  This is basically about energy vibration, and a process of alchemy.  You figure things out for your authentic self.  Everything that stands out now is a beacon, an inuksuk, guiding you back home.  Not far now. You are already here.