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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in obstacles (7)


12 Things obstacles tell you

The universe presents situations for different reasons. You choose how to view and react to each event that unfolds. Consider these twelve possible answers to the query, "what are obstacles telling you?

1) Review the path you are on (for it no longer serves you).

2) Recognize fear is the root cause of perceiving an obstacle.

3) Prepare to be disillusioned.

4) Stand back and revise your thought process.

5) Confront your emotional demons.

6) Revisit your values and goals.

7) See a stepping stone to an unforseen, beneficial situation.

8) Redefine "progress" and "success."

9) Accept yourself as you are and inner harmony that is.

10) Re-examine the underlying nature of the question.

11) Let go of the insatiable external quest for answers.

12) Stop living in the past or future. Just be in the now.


Uncover innate wisdom

To meditate on something other than the self allows widsom to reveal itself.  To discover the feeling of selflessness arises on the inside.  Are you ready to embrace experiences that demonstrate how much you love yourself?  Will you accept that all you do or do not do serves you?

Everything unfolds as is predicted, not based on the visions of self-interested people, but as is meant to be.  You will recognize when trials seem unavoidable in your life.  Yet, you will also evolve to sense trials arise and test you for good reason.  Uncover the wisdom.

To ask yourself how a given situation will improve you isn't a question to pose before an experience.  Only after you  live and learn are you in a position to reflect or grasp why obstacles stood in your path.  You create obstacles to learn to overcome each of them.

From whichever vantage point you gaze, the world and your conditions will appear different.  Yet, you are always the same being.  This shows you that only your perception and self-image change, not who or where you are.  Improvement is a state of mind.

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