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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in miracles (6)


Reason like a mystic

Many people question the nature of transformation, or wonder how to speed it up or slow it down.  You may reflect on what is unfolding during your own process. What traits or qualities capture your attention?

You may hear people inquire how to levitate or perform other earthly miracles while in the physical body.  Consider ego desire for fame and power. How does this shape the experience of divine grace?

In truth, nobody skips levels of awareness. Deeper remembering arises in tandem with awareness. Its not what you have but how you use it.  In silence, you notice and feel more. Universal laws reveal themselves beyond words. Core compassion guides selfless acts. As the unenlightened observer awakens to how truth transcends the physical world, he frees self from ego and illusion and opens to love without limits. 

The notion that mystical experiences can be grasped and controlled by the mind overlooks how one is invited to use events that defy reason to break through the barriers of reason itself.  In essence, a physical you does not exist to learn to perform miracles, but to disprove the belief of a need.  To awaken to the limitless being you are, is to align with soul, open fully to inner power, and know being is already a miracle.

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