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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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4 Tips to allow Soul-level shifts

HUmans incarnate to go through shifts on different levels.  The human aspect of you may view these are noticable shifts or changes in relationships, career, geographic moves, physical health and other conditions.  The Soul aspect of you experiences everything as energy.  Soul messages arise in all shapes, sizes, forms, synchronicities. Other aspects of being exist as well. Consider these 4 tips as a guide to allow yourself to feel Soul-level shifts more deeply:

1.  Time ceases when everything is felt as vibration

Know we experience whatever we create in order to  to open the heart and live from a feeling place and see things as they are without human filters.

2. Take responsibility for your perception/emotion/behaviour (or they control you)

When fully conscious, you can no longer view yourself as a victim or lie to yourself because the illusion of separation falls away. This is about taking full responsibility and no longer falling prey to ego games.

3. Being present allows feeling the way into harmony.

In other words, your human body is like a tuning fork. The more you allow yourself to feel, the easier it is to release what does not resonate, the more you allow template upgrades.  Sleep allows for recalibrating energies, allows you to wake up to experience time differently.  Mastering Time is about mastering all of you.

4. Recognize every moment you speak to yourself and you also answer back

Thus, to create something in the present, to bring it from a future dream into your reality, you have to become or embody your future.