Discover the Truth of Love

(sacred geometry Art 528 by Endre Balogh)
Notice Love cannot be forced. We either allow Love to overflow into our existence or close ourselves off and resist what presents. To connect with Love is to connect with Source energy and allow endless creativity to flow. The whole of existence is Love. To Love anyone or anything creates relationships. To feel complete is to tune into and accept oneself fully, to trust the universe that the best situation is unfolding. Just as Breath is life to the body, Love is life energy to Soul. The more we seek to chase or grasp Love, the more elusive it seems. We cannot catch Love or pin it down. It cannot be understood in the mind, only felt in the heart. Tune in and trust the body. Slowly, the head starts dropping conditioned ideas so the subtle voice of the heart is heard. Nobody can condition the heart. The heart and body are naturally in sync. As one grows aware of the harmony of heart and body, ideas about Love are no longer in control. The power of authenticity sees through conditioning. Only as the mind grows silent and comes in tune with heart and body, does one uncover True Being. Here, no effort is required to create harmony. The very presence of Being harmonizes everything. This experience is so vast, body, heart and mind lose all identities in vastness of being. Start with the body. Love and accept it and this grows into harmony and guides one into Being. From the moment this is discovered, one are relieved of all effort. Harmony is simply true nature, one voice.