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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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See it all as One

Watch what happens as you move from viewing events though personal, mental filters, to imagining self in someone else's shoes.  Look into the mirror and see other as Self. This is a shift from ego self-centredness that invites heartfelt  acceptance, compassion and love.  Light bulbs are triggered.

On other levels, as inner shifts of attention occur, something inside notices a fallacy of altruism.  Nothing happens and you feel no difference, no sense of other, and everything is suddenly an extension of one being.  Everything, every crumb of bread, every cloud, leaf, pebble, animal, vegtable, mineral or grain of sand contains the elements of all else. Its all part of a hologram.

How do you register or recognize this cosmic being? What does it feel like? Can it be perceived?