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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in divine reality (1)


5 Ways to respond to the inner mystic

When you have an experience you do not readily understand, you still have the power to decide how to respond.  Human beings forget that they hold profound, inner power.  This also means one can evolve to sense, acknowledge or expand energy vibration.  It extends from how you accept or reject yourself.

In essence, you are in charge of what is happening, how you choose to view a given occurrence. You unconsciously determine what serves your spiritual side and what does not.  You choose your principal focus and which emotions unfold.  To discern things does not mean you feel worthy or committed to the process.  How do you respond to the inner mystic?

1) Detect unfamiliar sensations.  This might lead you to hesitate, hold back from embracing and accepting for fear of being judged.  Such a reaction implies you have not yet detached fully from what does not matter.  All in good time.

2) Jump to conclusions.  To assume you know the depth and significance of all thoughts or visions that appear in mind, may be premature.  A process transpires to encourage you to shed beliefs and move into the realm of pure knowing.  A wise being recognizes the difference between higher truths and untruths.

3) Opt to be constrained by external forces.  You may simply deny anything is out of the ordinary.  You can decide you transcend perceived outer circumstances or, evolve further to recognize conditions are imagined to distract you from what lies beyond them. To shift mindset and energy vibration enables you to understand choices differently.

4) Assume no coincidences.  Such a mindset is a stage in learning to let go of conditioning absorbed in the physical realm.  As one evolves to sense every incident arises from the non-physical, higher realms, one begins to remove the veil.

5) Recognize channelled energy. To discern you channel energy confronts you with choices. You direct it to negative thoughts and behaviours or discipline the mind in other ways. This ability enables you to take responsibility for the nature of transformation in your life and perspective. Holding love as the deepest truth allows a person to let go of fear and see beyond time, space and human-imposed limits. Open dimensions.

"You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience." –Teilhard de Chardin