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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Skewer wild mushrooms

Vegetarians have been known to develop an interest in activities that parallel their values and eating habits.  I happen to have a girlfriend in Finland who grew motivated to become a wild mushroom specialist in her area. She didn't grow up with this ambition. Yet, oneday, while hiking in national forest as she often does, she took more notice in the variety of mushrooms she came across. She was inspired by the idea of roasting them with apples over an open fire.  This friend was already an avid naturalist and knew about edible berries. And so, she was prompted to develop a new goal. Soon, she started to read about and learn to classify mushroom species.

Now, if you have ever heard anything about picking mushrooms, you've likely been warned that this can be a dangerous pastime. Many species are poisonous. Eating the wrong type of mushroom can even be fatal. From a young age, I recall being told never to eat the red toadstools with white polka dots. I'd seen these grow near a friend's home. I'd actually become fascinted by them because of vibrant illustrations in storybooks. I admit my childhood curiosity was sparked by the magical fairytale creatures that supposedly lived inside them.

One thing my Finnish girlfriend has told me is that mushroom hunting can be a challenging goal. She learned that real mushrooms don't always ressemble the ones in books. In addition, unusual examples of one species may seem like some species better avoided. To make life more complicated,the same species may differ in appearance and toxicity from place to place.

While visiting Finland during warm summer months, I had the pleasure of mushroom and berry hunting with my knowledgable friend. She knew just under what kinds of vegetation the best ones tend to hide. I was amazed at how flavorful wild mushrooms tasted after being skewered and roasted over a campfire. Never before had I had so much fun.

My Finnnish mushroom expert tells me what motivates her most about her goals is that mushroom experts are finding new ones on a regular basis. As knowledge changes, she is motivated to keep up with it and learn more.  She also tells me that being a mushroom expert in one geographic place doesn't mean she'll be very knowledgable about mushrooms that grow in other places. Learning more about foreign mushrooms is among her future goals.  Sharing what she learns gives her enormous pleasure.


Redundant and happy?

Many people have urged me to bring up a topic that caught them off guard. These people have discovered that being made redundant has enabled them to change their lives for the better. They don't recommend you do what you can to get fired as part of your route to success, but retrenchment has led to a curious increase in their resourcefulness, motivation and self-directed learning.  It's all based on a choice that begins inside of you. You may not control what happens, but you do control how you react to what happens. Once you realize this, you exert real power.

You don't typically have to go very far to speak with someone who has lost their job. The initial feelings of surprise, anger and disappointment often bring up bitterness and a desire for revenge.  The 'poor me' syndrome and 'why me' victim mentality are also known to influence depression. People who lose their jobs may voice negative feelings, but they may not realize focusing on what you have little or no power to change holds you back from everything you actually do.

One woman in the U.S. voiced her anger to her boss. This employee was unhappy about being let go in downsizing. Being fired initially caused her to feel incapable of caring for herself and her infant son. Yet, after reflection at home, she chose to write her boss a letter of apology. She thanked this boss for hiring and firing her because deep down, she desired to return to school and better her skills. She saw her circumstances offered her the chance to do just that. She found paid work to look after herself and her son, and she came to see being fired as a blessing.

A friend of mine worked on heavy machinery in a coal mine.  When that mine closed, his peers were scared about how they would survive on the settlement packages. The work buddies began to spend their new free time drinking at the local pub and bemoaning their situations. My friend surprised them.  He decided to set out and realize his dream to become a physiotherapist. He discovered ways to apply for loans and to prepare for university entrance exams. He found part-time work to support himself and felt motivated to learn new things for the first time in over 20 years. Today, he works hard in a group practice and community hospital in the United Kingdom.

Regardless of the reasons for being told you're no longer needed in a position, remind yourself you'll always be needed somewhere.  You can decide where this place will be or you can let someone else decide what they think is best for you. It's possible to be made redundant and to see the bright side. Think of all those things you told yourself that you couldn't do because of being restricted in time, mindset and circumstance. All that can change in the blink of an eye.  You have the power to make choices, to make the best of wherever you are. Rather than focus on freedoms you don't have, take steps to redefine the choices that you can and already do.


Fluke or fate

Tonight, I met a business man who told me he is rarely at a loss for words.  Yet, recently, when bush fires burned out of control in rural Victoria, Australia, that all changed.  He ventured out to an area under threat because it was near where he owns property.  His instinct was to save it.   Most people he knew thought he was crazy. Rather than run away to escape, he chose to walk right into the fire. If you've ever known anyone who has said anything like this when bush fires are raging out of control, then you know that this could mean taking one's life into one's own hands.  Firemen do what they can, but at a certain point of no return, when fires blaze out of control, staying or leaving is ultimately a property owner's choice.

This man to whom I spoke is in his mid-sixties and he owns a general store in a particular remote town. Its a historic site and has much sentimental value for him and his family. As he was making his way there, he struggled to breathe in thick smoke.  He heard about people in the community losing their homes amidst 230 degree temperatures. He was aghast at the cinders he passed, yet he adamantly continued to travel toward his property. He saw firemen backburning along the way.

He remained convinced that if he let fear take over, then misfortune would be imminent. Somewhere in his past, he remembered hearing that a coward dies many times before his actual death.  This would be a mental suffering. His temperament refused to permit him to think that way. Instead, he extinguished his fear like he envisioned the firemen would extinguish the fires.  He told himself nothing would frighten him. He moved forward when most people turned back.

To this day, he has no idea how he found courage to forge on when people were fleeing.  When he finally arrived at the site of his general store, everything around this structure had burned down. This property was the only thing left standing.  Many people look at the situation and feel it was impossible. The owner decided angels must've intervened. Inside that store were priceless family albums and items of sentimental value which could never have been replaced. Now, he won't have to make the effort. He is more grateful than he ever was. He believes in miracles.

The owner of this store doesn't consider himself a spiritual man. However, this experience renewed his faith in Forces beyond him for which he has no explanation. He is pleased to still run that general store that has been in his family for generations. Funny how the old town is being rebuilt around it already when originally, it had emerged later after the people, the other way around.


The time is now

Think of the last time you contemplated taking a risk.  You can learn to realize that your mind creates a vision of what you think will happen as the result.  Your mind has power to convince you to go ahead with something or not. Did you ever try telling yourself 'the time is now?'

Think of the swimming pool or the polar dip in the early morning back at summer camp. The water wasn't always the most inviting temperature, but you discovered you could psych yourself up to get it over with. Maybe such experiences ignited your anticipation and excitement.  How did you get that adrenalin pumping? Was it the prospect of winning a prize? Was it the prospect of being first? proving you could when others said you couldn't? Did you do it to prove it to them?

In order to take risks, you also need to develop a willingness to make mistakes and to be ready to face disapproval. Realize that you don't have to be afraid of getting results you don't foresee.  The way to tackle challenging issues is to face them head on.  This leads to personal growth. Once you face something that scares you, the fear and self-doubt no longer control your mind.

Ask yourself if you're willing to take chances even when success is not guaranteed. It's wise to assess the varied levels of risk before you jump into any situation.  What would you be willing to lose? What do you think you could gain? Just because a prospective venture differs from anything anyone you know has done doesn't necessarily mean taking the associated risks wouldn't be right for you.  Learn to separate your views from those of others. Be open to opinions, but be weary of basing your own choices on someone else's opinion. After all, who knows you better than you?

It's never too late to take a risk that you might have put off for whatever reason. Be ready to reassess where you are and the nature of your circumstances. The point will come where you may feel you should give yourself a last crack at a dream. As you sense you're getting on in years and may not have the energy or stamina to reach certain goals down the tract, you may find yourself saying, 'now or never.' If you dream of getting involved in a financial venture and the money becomes available, that may indicate the time is now. If your heart has been encouraging you to express feelings toward someone before they marry someone else, listen to your gut. Signs will present themselves. It's in our interest to keep our eyes peeled and act accordingly. 


Holding back or moving forward

Everyone is bombarded with ideas of success. They come from people you know and don't know. You can choose to believe what people say or not. You have freedom to define your own views.

For some people, success is the ability to get out of bed in the morning and to feel as though they have a place to go and things to do there.

For others, success is defined by the ability to be patient and bide their time.

You may think success is explained by preventing yourself from doing what you might regret, or creating a vision of your future and taking steps to make it happen. Examine your feelings.

Whatever you decide, your understanding of success is a way to verify your existence. Moving forward is as much a state of mind as holding yourself back.  You are your own compass.  You orient your direction and you identify your course.  Change your itinerary as you see fit.