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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Don't shaft yourself

I was asked to reflect on a dream experienced by the colleague of a friend. This individual dreamed he realized that he had an illness and so he anxiously consulted a physician.  The patient felt he was very sick and pleaded with the physician for advice.  The health professional replied, "I'm sorry to say this, but it's apathy."

In reality, people have been known to claim illness as an effort to distract themselves from or escape an uncomfortable situation.  The physician may represent the dreamer's unconscious who recognizes the patient is lying to himself about being sick. He really yearns for some kind of healing, such as a change of heart or a change in the way the dreamer treats other people and himself.  Since apathy is often the suppression of passion, emotion and excitement, the dreamer may be holding himself back from things he truly wishes to do, and may fear taking the risk to do it.  Apathy may also reflect indifference or a lack of concern. The dreamer may subconsciously feel guilty about something he has done or hasn't done.  Acknowledging a perceived problem is the first step to determining how you plan to solve it. 

Reflect on what real-life events might trigger similar feelings. What might you be trying to run away from? Remind yourself that you carry your issues with you wherever you go. Don't shaft yourself.  It makes sense to work through the feelings and siutations that bother you. Take the risk.

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