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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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You against them or yourself?

Who or what do you consider your opponent? Are you not ultimately competing against the core of your own nature?  As you take a closer look at the basis for your values and principles, you will realize this perceived enemy has only ever been an opponent in your mind and grew from there. 

What if you aren't really competing against anyone then? What if you simply create the illusion of competition to motivate yourself to raise your own standards?  As far as people are concerned, their behavior may evolve into the role of an opponent which is defined by your deepest fears.  After all, you may be conditioned to feel that everyone needs a role and you aim to shape them.

As your fears take shape, you may sense that something desires to conquer what you stand for.  What if you only imagined your life was a struggle and you also only imagined yourself as victim?  What if each step of your life actually enabled you to gain new insight,  strength and ideas?

Take a moment to consider that you have options to roll with life's punches, to cooperate with people, to embrace events rather than to struggle and compete against it. Consider that you're not required to condemn anyone or anything, seek revenge or retribution. What if learning about your feelings and desire to judge and criticize are all part of a process to learn to rise above it? What if controversy was concocted to provoke arguments and distract you from more meaningful pursuits?

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