The ultimate eco-friendly lifestyle

Increasing numbers of people aspire to make life choices that preserve and restore natural environments. Some people dream of more sustainable living practices and other people take action to make it happen. Which life choices would create your ultimate eco-friendly lifestyles? Which habits and practices would you like to change?
In various countries, governments offer financial incentives such as rebates and tax breaks, to convert to more economical uses of energy and to conserve resources. How much solar power and wind energy are used in your local area? Do you use economical cycles and energy-conserving applicances? If you wish to use energy more wisely, build or even remodel your home, you may have more options than you realized. Consider these ideas and how you feel about them:
- If you live in a place that experiences cold climates, in winter, reduce thermostats to 68 degrees or below. Reduce to 55 degrees or below before sleep and before you go to work. (As you lower thermostat in winter, you'll save up to 5% heat costs per degree)
- Turn off lights, electrical devices when not in use. If you live in a country with switches on outlets (like Australia), turn off energy flow when not using socket. Electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home can emit more carbon dioxide into the air than 2 average cars!
- Avoid using heavy devices washers, dryers, and electric ovens during peak energy demand times. Wherever possible, choose toilets that use less water per flush, select the most economical appliance cycles, energy efficient shower heads, devices that use less energy.
- Close shades and blinds at night to reduce heat loss through windows. This practice also will also apply for warm climates to keep cool air in-house and extreme heat out (day/night).
- Choose products (like soap) that require less water and buy energy-efficient lightbulbs.
- Set computers, monitors, printers, copiers, faxes and other office equipment to their energy saving feature and turn them off at the end of each day. Do two-sided copies too.
- Decide to walk, take public transport or ride a bike to work. Leave your car at home.
- Grow your own vegetables. Eat more locally-produced foods in season to lower transport costs. Recognize when you eat food that is shipped in, this increases energy consumption.
- Use more recycled products and contribute to local recycling programs. If your home or office doesn't have such a thing, why not take initiatives to start one in your area?
- Compost your leftover organic food products and develop your own richer garden soil. You'll help insects and the air while you also care for our planet.