Feel the wave of energy

Notice if you ride a wave of energy that no longer motivates or captivates or nourishes your soul, and you are losing momentum, then a simple shift in vibration will bring you into resonance with compatible swirls or streams of consciousness. True, lasting shifts require letting go or disidentification with waves of existence that stagnate or no longer serve our soul growth. Energies are like wave options that seem to flow in different directions, present in varied colours, textures, patterns, frequencies, temperatures.
Come what may, it is always possible to see beyond the drama, the jungle of emotions, apparent chaos or confusion. Simply step back from the personal to the universal. Dare to integrate valuable lessons, depersonalize events and refocus on energy flow. Be in awe of the bigger picture. Divine grace removes layers of complexity and illusion. From an energetic standpoint, the key is to go with the natural flow, heed the heart or intuition wherever it leads us.

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