Tune into the best version of you

Physical existence is about tuning in and tuning out. You tune into things when you focus attention on them and come to believe they are part of your reality. Something only becomes real when you believe in it, choose to visualize it and integrate it into your experience. You tune out of things when you no longer focus attention and energy on them.
Step back and reflect on different areas of your life. Notice what you tune into and out of at different stages. People seem to enter and exit your life based on what you tune into and also the vibration you give off. You are drawn to or resonate with different kinds of people, life roles, conditions, geography, food, music and experiences.
As you raise awareness, you are honest with how you think and feel. It is then easy to tune into the best version of you, to deliberately draw into your life exactly what resonates best right now. What no longer resonates falls away. As lessons are learned, situations that present resolve themselves. Know you create every facit of your reality. You always get what soul needs to grow even if its not what ego wants.

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