6 Ways to appreciate change

Many people ground themselves in what is familiar and assume it is permanent. You may resist change and seem to have difficulties when you encounter what seems to be perpetual change. Notice what stays the same is impermanence. Be aware adjusting to this changes your life. Consider these six ways to appreciate change that can be explored further, at your leisure:
1) Ground yourself in what feels good. Rather than focus on what bothers you, or on what you do not think is working, focus instead on things that feel positive and uplifting.
2) See it as a turning point. Notice every change is a milestone and a wake-up call. Pay attention to the learning curve and opportunities to unlearn what you are ready to let go.
3) Look to Nature. Recognize that something has to disintegrate or fall apart before something new can emerge or be built in its place. Look to nature for examples of how plants, flowers and trees grow and pass away to make room for the up and coming. Appreciate where you are. See value in every stage.
4) Be alert to conditioning. Know joy is something you can choose to experience every moment, every day, in every experience just as negativity is a choice.
5) Be empowered to know you create every change unfolding in your life. You can gain insight into yourself by recognizing higher consciousness always puts you in situations you can handle.
6) Get proactive. Know you are ready to make the changes you wish to see in your life. Whether its relationship beginnings, transitions or endings, a career or geographical move, parenthood, or other new chapters of life, your focus and attitude help you weather storms.
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