Get the message

Every person you encounter is drawing your attention to something you are not yet noticing about yourself. You may be in a plane, train, taxi, bus or some other mode of transport. You may meet in passing at the local library or bookstore, be sitting in a park, or you may be out walking your pet. Revelations arise as you stand in line waiting to be served and you chat with strangers. You may be sitting next to another parent at your child's sports event. Nothing is ever random. Everything and everyone is a pointer. Notice what is emerging through each encounter. You create them all to help yourself. Notice what you see, feel and experience.
Be aware each encounter is a guide and mirror. See the appropriateness of them. Every choice you make has a purpose. You decide what matters. You decide how the guidance unfolds in your life; in passing, triggering eureka moments, evolving into intimacy, friendships or connecting with temporary or lifelong mentors. Each one is a window. Retreat into your own natural stillness. Get the message you reach for right now.
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