Somebody is here

At some point in your life, you may be motivated to take steps to "become a somebody." You may develop the idea that in order to be known, to leave a legacy, to do worthwhile things, you cannot be a nobody. If you relate to this, an underlying restlessness is intepreted by the mind as dissatisfaction. What if there is another reason for this apparent unrest?
What if somebody is already here? What if that somebody is reaching out for conscious recognition of its existence? What if imbalance is your body's way of letting you know you are not valuing true self? What if everything that you feel invites you to see your life from different points of view so you rediscover what love and freedom truly feel like?
If you feel inspired by a new calling, have the desire to take course, certification or qualification, know that every choice or pursuit is always helping you in some way. If you feel compelled to change careers or cities because you outgrow a dream or activity, that's your perogative. If you feel drawn to leave a job or put a relationship on hold in order to assist sick family members, this decision is as valid as any other. Only the inner judge prompts you to believe otherwise. Are you missing the bigger picture?
Stop where you are. Take a moment. Explore deeper reasons for your current focus. If you totally forget the bigger picture and only experience life close up, you can also opt to put down the magnifying glass. See what else is here. Without the judge, we're all the same.
"Its only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." -Chuck Palahniuk
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