In any split second

The whole thing unfolds in any split second. This is a continuous process. You are not doing what you think. The connection you feel with a person, place or situation is never the same way twice. You push yourself beyond the known. You are unleashing magic in the flow of energy. Feel the energy. Remember what has nothing to do with the body, or any experience, perceived space or time. The physical world expands due to who you are. Its unrelated to anything you do. Your presence is the bridge to all.
What would it be like to never return to the physical world? Where would you be? Shift focus for a moment; how does it feel to have no purpose, no desire, no need and nothing to do? Why would you need proof of this when you awaken to who you are? Notice how it feels to recognize infinite trust or a universe as what you are. Everything is preparing you to realize that nothing had to happen for you to be where you are. Inner knowing never leaves you. Everything you do in every moment beckons you to laugh. Everything is so easy. You make life difficult until you are aware of your own pixie dust.
"Your origin is way beyond the infinite, way beyond any belief system or anything."
- Robert Young
Reader Comments (2)
Not about what you do.
It's about pixie dust
deep in the heart of you.
And yes -- the melody came with it too.
Thank you, Dearest Liara for you sweet inspiration.